Understanding the Prevalence of Existential Crisis: A Deep Dive


    An existential crisis is a moment at which an individual questions the very foundations of their life: whether their life has any meaning, purpose, or value. This blog post aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of existential crises, their prevalence, impact, and how coaching can be an effective solution.

    Understanding Existential Crisis

    An existential crisis is a period of intense and often disruptive reflection about aspects of one’s life. It is often triggered by significant life events such as a loss, a major change, or a trauma. Symptoms can include feelings of disorientation, confusion, depression, anxiety, and a sense of being lost or trapped.

    Prevalence of Existential Crisis

    Existential crises are more common than one might think. While exact statistics are hard to come by due to the subjective nature of existential crises, it is generally accepted that most people will experience at least one existential crisis in their lifetime. These crises can occur at any age, but are particularly common during periods of transition such as adolescence, midlife, and old age. They are also prevalent across different cultures, suggesting a universal human experience.

    Impact of Existential Crisis

    The impact of an existential crisis can be profound. Psychologically, it can lead to feelings of anxiety, depression, and a sense of being lost or trapped. Socially, it can lead to withdrawal and a sense of isolation. It can also have a significant impact on one’s personal and professional life, leading to a lack of motivation, a decrease in productivity, and difficulties in relationships.

    Dealing with Existential Crisis

    Dealing with an existential crisis can be challenging, but there are ways to cope. Common coping mechanisms include seeking support from loved ones, engaging in self-care activities, and seeking professional help. Professional help, such as therapy or coaching, can be particularly beneficial in helping individuals navigate their existential crisis.

    The Role of Coaching in Addressing Existential Crisis

    Coaching can play a significant role in helping individuals navigate their existential crisis. A coach can provide a safe and supportive environment for individuals to explore their feelings, challenge their beliefs, and develop new perspectives. The benefits of coaching in dealing with an existential crisis can include increased self-awareness, improved coping skills, and a greater sense of purpose and direction. There are numerous case studies of successful coaching interventions, demonstrating the potential effectiveness of this approach.


    In conclusion, existential crises are a common and universal human experience. They can have a profound impact on an individual’s psychological, social, and professional life. However, with the right support, including coaching, individuals can navigate their existential crisis and emerge with a greater sense of purpose and direction. For those experiencing an existential crisis, remember that you are not alone and that help is available.

    This blog post is for informational purposes only and should not be taken as psychological advice.


    Siobhán Cahalan is the driving force behind Wisdom and Vision Ltd., blending over two decades of global executive experience with profound spiritual insights to redefine leadership coaching. As an accredited coach and visionary, Siobhán empowers individuals and organizations to lead with integrity, purpose, and deep personal awareness. Connect with Siobhán to embark on your transformative journey towards authentic success and holistic growth. Contact info@wisdomandvision.com for coaching inquiries.